

Ключові слова:

challenges, innovation process, social innovation, social economy, value


This article summarizes the theoretical and applied aspects of the emergence and development of social innovation. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that influence the development and dissemination of social innovations and specify the mechanism of their occurrence and achieve appropriate effects that are of value to specific groups of stakeholders. The object of the research is the process of creating social innovations, as it generates a scientific problem of identifying the mechanism of the emergence of social innovations with the further pursuit of scientific research in the direction of prediction of social problems and the application of innovative approaches to solving them. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of social evolution and the new social economy. The research was conducted in the following sequence: accumulation of the knowledge base on the subject of research, covering the theory, methodology, practical cases, etc.; holding a round table on social responsibility writing, where a questionnaire was conducted among specialists (2017); discussion of the results of the questionnaire at the seminars on the discipline "Social Responsibility"; generalization of the obtained results by processing the questionnaire, creating a map of the value of social innovation and developing a mechanism for their emergence. The article provides a literature review of the definition of social innovation by various scientists. Being at the intersection of two global phenomena - social relations and innovation, social innovations have accumulated characteristics that detail the value aspects and that can be identified as the ultimate goal of the innovation process. The article presents that the results of research the influence of factors on the process of development of social innovation was distributed as follows: environmental - 21.41%; cultural - 21,21; political-18.21; economic-14.91; social-14.55; legal-9.61.  Was developed the map of values of social innovation that is a combination of challenges (problems) that act as a trigger to find the optimal solution and obtain certain values for society. Identifying the value of social innovation is an important step in the process of creating it. This value arises in response to the challenges of the internal and external environment and forms the consumer value of social innovation.


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