DOI:Ключові слова:
marketing, concepts of management, marketing epoch, goods, technology, competitivenessАнотація
The article is assigned to the marketing stages development, depending on the change of the market environment, competitiveness factors. A critical overview of the basic concepts on the basis of which the commercial activity of enterprises took place in different historical epochs is given. The driving forces of such changes are determined. The epochs of marketing are distinguished according to the following criteria: 1) stages of the theory and practice of marketing formation (from the epoch of pre-scientific marketing to its modern concept); 2) in terms of accentuation in marketing management; 3) in terms of key principles of product competitiveness from consumers’ point of view. During the description of marketing epochs according to F. Kotler (from marketing 1.0 to marketing 5.0) their comparative analysis is carried out, the key directions of concentration of marketing efforts of the company are allocated. The own classification of epochs of marketing development depending on change of a key element in maintenance of competitiveness of the goods is given. The product, service, value and technological epochs in marketing development from the point of view of accentuation in commodity policy are singled out. The change of such epochs took place evolutionarily. Factors of competitiveness of the company's goods from previous epochs formed the basis for the factors of subsequent epochs. The characteristic of epochs of marketing development depending on change of a key element in maintenance of competitiveness of the goods is given. The driving forces that led to the emergence and change of these stages are identified. The article shows and proves with the use of examples from marketing practice the relevance of the technological era in modern marketing. The article shows that the product today is not just an object of exchange and production technology, the product is an element of technology to meet the needs, and this leads to a new understanding of the essence of product competitiveness. It is shown how the emergence of such era is associated with increased competition in the market and changes in technology. The model of the goods as technologies of consumers’ needs satisfaction is resulted. The matrix of goods competitiveness on the basis of the analysis of goods integration in a technological chain of consumers’ needs satisfaction is offered. The changes in the formation of the company's unique proposal for consumers in the market in the context of the technological epoch in marketing are shown.
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