

Ключові слова:

international competitiveness, manufacturing enterprise, export activity, standardization, ISO standards


The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of manufacturing enterprises to intensify export activity and ensure international competitiveness through such a tool as standardization. The problem of increasing the international competitiveness of domestic manufacturing enterprises in various industries is of particular importance. Increased attention of scientists and practitioners to this issue is due to a few reasons. First, in the face of growing uncertainty due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, companies must adapt to the new requirements for their activities by foreign partners. Secondly, today the increase in the capacity of the national economy of Ukraine is possible largely due to its openness and scientific and technical cooperation with other countries, for which it is necessary to ensure the highly competitive potential of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The article provides an analysis of the dynamics of industrial production in Ukraine in recent years. By comparative analysis of the dynamics of the number of economic entities and the volume of manufactured and sold industrial products in Ukraine, the authors conclude about the possible recovery of domestic industry and its development. The authors give examples of obtaining additional opportunities for export by specific domestic manufacturing enterprises through their implementation of international standards. The authors argue about the relationship between standardization and the process of increasing the international competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises and schematically summarize this relationship. A promising area of further research is to assess the level of economic efficiency of standardization as a tool to increase the international competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in the recovery of the world economy after the Covid-19 pandemic.


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