

Ключові слова:

motivation system, incentive, motive, efficiency of personnel management, organizational and economic mechanism of motivation


The article considers the formation of an effective system of labor motivation in the context of ensuring a high level of economic development of the enterprise. The organizational and economic mechanism of the process of personnel work motivation for enterprises has been developed. The methodological bases of the development of organizational and economic mechanism of personnel motivation are grounded on the basis of the methodology of determination of models of work motivation of employees with individual definition. The process of functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of the process of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise is presented, taking into account the subject and object of management of the system and criteria of performance evaluation. Recommendations on the implementation of organizational and economic mechanism of staff motivation were developed.

The article describes a sequence of stages of a universal algorithm for evaluation and development of the process of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise a deep and comprehensive study, preparation and implementation of changes in the enterprise to increase its importance in the market. It is important for any mechanism to take into account the influence of the external and internal environment, and as a result of changing tasks and methods of work, there is a need to transform the structure of motivation of staff work in the enterprise. In this case, it is a constant process of determining the best organizational structure that facilitates the coordination of actions of individual units of enterprises, their information, rational distribution of tasks, responsibilities and powers. During the forming of the mechanism of the process of motivation, a commonly used classification of methods of motivation is taken into account. It has already been proven that an individual approach to motivation increases the productivity of each employee individually and the productivity of the enterprise as a whole.


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