DOI:Ключові слова:
інформаційна економіка, людський капітал, економіка знань, ринок праці,Анотація
This article examines the process of transforming the labor market and the role of human
capital in it in connection with changes that take place in Ukraine and in the world. Increasing the
amount of information led to the transformation of system processes, the movement of vectors in the
recruitment of personnel and the gradual automation of production, which led to a revision of the
entire spectrum of specialties. Particular attention is paid to the notion of "information economy"
and "labor market", their peculiarities and influence on the transformation of the role of human
capital in society. The view is that the automation of production processes does not lead to the
levelling of the role of employees at all, but rather to complicate work tasks and re-profiling of
personnel in accordance with the new needs in the labour market. It is determined that in today's
conditions the labour market has been transformed and stands mostly in the form of the human
capital market. The dynamism of the service sector is shaped by the diverse professions of various
fields of activity around the world. It is pointed out that the share of jobs requiring highly skilled
personnel tends to increase in the spheres of business services and information technologies,
especially in progressive countries. It is worth noting that in the service sector, especially in the
retail trade, tourism and transport sectors, the level of employment is growing even on low-skilled
human capital. The work efficiency improved due to access to high-speed Internet, which
transformed the structure of work by providing constant access to information. The flexibility for
both workers and employers became the result of such improvement. It is also noted that the labour
resource in the classical sense gives the way to highly qualified human capital, as new vectors of the
development of the information economy predict multitasking and flexibility of work processes. At
the same time, the lack of reforms in Ukraine related to the transformation of the labour market, the
creation of new professions and the legislative framework, which would contribute to the training of
personnel, is indicated.
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